Month: November 2022

Final Presentation – EDCI 338

Group Names: Mikayla Boulanger, Caitlin Doraty, Hongyuan Pan, Kevin Song, Sadhik

Below is a PDF document of the presentation slides – Slide Design by Mikayla Boulanger, Content by respective student name per slide

Below is a video recording of our zoom presentation! – Entire Group!

Below is the audio recording of our zoom presentation! – Entire Group

Below is the script of our zoom presentation – by Entire Group!

Below is our Project Outline which includes our concept, rough draft and assignment responsibilities – written by Mikayla Boulanger

Finally, our reference list – by Sadhik, edited/formatted by Caitlin

Blog #10 – Engaging your PLN

​​Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course?

Absolutely. We watch the Wakelet podcast this week with twin guests, Amy Storer and Dyann Wilson, who both share how they utilize growing media in education. Both guests note that creating an online community full of like-minded peers has helped them grow in their respective fields. 

Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

Yes! In my personal experience, by utilizing my PLN, I have secured job opportunities and plan to pursue more in the future. I go further in-depth on in my Blog #11 post on how I’ve used my PLN specifically to get a job! I strongly believe that creating a PLN as you go through university and enter the job field is key to future professional relationships. Maintaining a good relationship with your favourite first-year professor could turn into a job opportunity one day.


Wakelet. (2022). The benefits of growing your network & PLN. Youtube.

Blog #9 – Why Media Literacy Matters in your PLN?

What is Media Literacy?

Digital Literacy Skills defines Media literacy as “a framework to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in a variety of forms, build an understanding of the role of media in society, as well as [develop] the essential skills of inquiry and self-expression.”

The 21st Century Knowledge-and-Skills Rainbow.

Open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can create conflict; why does this happen?

Since the boom of information over the last 30 years, education is more accessible than ever. Although there are now so many sources and educators, it can be hard to determine what is truly valuable. This week we listen to Julie Smith, a communication professor at Webster University in St.Louis with over 15 years of experience in the field. 

Julie Smith

Julie Smith echos this and believes that there is “so much information out there it’s impossible to figure out what’s really meaningful and valid”. Smith references her latest book, ‘Master the Media, on how to navigate media literacy. Reminding students to ask the following questions about media; Who’s the sender? What’s their motive/intent? How is it created? Who profits? What information is left out? Who’s the target audience? (Smith) 

What is the benefit of having a PLN that values media literacy?

Having a PLN greatly benefits your media literacy. Julie Smith shares her love of Twitter, laughing “it exposed me to media literate people and I steal ideas from them all the time!” It is so invaluable, Smith can’t even compare it to a dollar amount. Sharing your experience allows for a different perspective and willingness to share new ideas. 


Heyjuliesmith. (2022, October 4). Who is Julie Smith? Julie Smith. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from

Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2012). 21St Century skills: Learning for life in our Times. Jossey-Bass.

Miller, J & Smith, J. (2021, June 6). EDCI 338 – Media Literacy with Julie Smith. YouTube.

Blog #8 – Balancing PLN & Public Discourse

How you would curate your social media with a critical public audience?

As we listen to this week’s podcast with guest Sophie Lui, a Global BC Reporter, we get a glimpse of her opinion on how to use your social media with a critical public audience. With over 20 years of experience in journalism and broadcasting, Lui shares that even her in early days with the trusty yellow pages, creating a personal learning network was crucial to getting the best story. She now uses social media to create a supportive community of other like-minded female reporters. 

Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

A notable public figure with a large audience has great influence and power over those who follow them. It is crucial that anyone of such stature would should the clique warning, “with power, comes great responsibility”. As we have seen in previous years with examples such as Donald Trump, social media is a powerful tool and can easily be weaponized to mislead millions. Attacking media sources, claiming fake truth, when the real truth is that their platform simply disagrees. Leading the “fake news issue [to be] a debate about who gets to define “truth” (McNair 2018). The proper definition of fake news is as follows, “fake news is the promotion and propagation of news articles via social media”(Gu, Kropotov and Yarochkin 2017). 

It can be identified by observing any news story with the following steps:

  • Speed; How quickly was this story/news written?
  • Aggregation; How many sources are this from? Is this a first/second/third-hand recount?
  • Monetizing the clickstream; Is this source monetized? 

The abuse of power on social media whether is it intentional or accidental is an obvious risk. 

Although, the benefits can be as equally monumental. The power of a community and its support can be life-changing. As we have seen with movements such as Black Lives Matter, a cause and change were spreading like wildfire online and truly made a difference.

How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and your employer’s social media policy?

As a public figure, the constant scrutiny of appearance and content is overwhelming. Lui shares a time when her colleague was criticized for her blouse being too low-cut. Her response? To stand up on social media for her peers. She advises the best policy to critique reflective of your personal values, and stand up for yourself when needed but don’t give the haters the satisfaction of letting of responding at other times.


Hirst, M. (2018). The political economy of fake news. In Navigating social journalism: A handbook for media literacy and citizen journalism (pp. 78-100). Routledge.

Miller, J., & Lui, S. (2022). In the public eye. Youtube.

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